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India Demands Russia Halt Recruitment as Two More Nationals Killed in Ukraine

“India has also demanded that there be a verified stop to any further recruitment of our nationals by the Russian army. Such activities would not be in consonance with our partnership,” said a statement by the external affairs ministry.
Representational image. A military unit in Perevalnoye during the Crimean crisis of 2014. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Anton Holoborodko/CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED
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New Delhi: Two more Indian nationals working with the Russian army have been killed, the Ministry of External Affairs announced on Tuesday (June 11) night, bringing the total number of Indian workers killed in the Ukraine war to four.

The MEA’s statement also said that India has asked Russia to bring a “verified stop” to any further recruitment of Indian nationals by the Russian army, as this would not be “in consonance with our partnership”.

“We regret to state that two Indian nationals who had been recruited by the Russian army have recently been killed in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine,” said the MEA’s press statement.

The names of the two Indians have not been made public.

The statement also added that the MEA has “strongly taken up the matter” of the early return of all Indian nationals working with the Russian army with the Russian ambassador in New Delhi and the Russian government in Moscow.

“India has also demanded that there be a verified stop to any further recruitment of our nationals by the Russian army. Such activities would not be in consonance with our partnership,” said the Indian statement.

The news came on the day that the Russian embassy in New Delhi organised its national day celebrations, which foreign secretary Vinay Kwatra attended as chief guest.

Offering condolences to the next of kin, the MEA stated that the Indian embassy has “pressed the Russian authorities, including the Ministry of Defense, for [the] early repatriation of mortal remains”.

“We also urge Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia,” it said.

While there have been reports of 100 Indian workers recruited by the Russian army, the Indian government admitted in February that 20 Indians were in touch with the Indian embassy, seeking to return home.

“We have an understanding that 20-odd people are stuck. We are trying our level best for their early discharge. We have issued two statements, which you saw. We’ve also told people not to venture in the war zone or get caught into situations which are difficult,” MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said in February.

In Mid-march, the bodies of two Indian nationals, Mohammad Asfan and Hemil Ashvinbhai Mangukiya, arrived in India. While Asfan had died in an explosion in Donetsk in January, Mangukiya was killed in a Ukrainian air strike.

As per reports, most Indian workers in the Russian army were recruited through a Dubai-based agency that lured them through YouTube.

Once they arrived in Russia, they were made to sign documents there and undergo a 15-day training program before being dispatched to the frontlines.

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