In what will be widely viewed as a strong defence of the way SEBI as regulator and Madhabi Puri Buch as its chairperson have responded to the Hindenburg allegations, both those of January 2023 and the more recent ones of August 2024, a highly regarded former chairman of SEBI, M. Damodaran, has said “on the basis of the information I have, I have no major problem” with the way SEBI or Madhabi Buch have responded to these allegations.
Speaking specifically to a question whether SEBI did a good job investigating the price ramping of Adani stock before Hindenburg, Damodaran said: “I cannot say SEBI did a bad job”.
In this 32-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire, Damodaran is questioned, at some length, about a range of issues connected with Hindenburg as well as Madhabi Puri Buch.