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Insurgents in Assam Funding Terror by Providing Weapons For Rhino Poaching: Report

Rhino poaching was recently found to be among the key sources of revenue for terror groups.
An Indian Rhino at the Orang National Park. Photo: Nejib Ahmed/CC BY-SA 4.0
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New Delhi: Central agencies have flagged that illegal sale of the rhino horns has been used to fund terror activities in the North-East, The Indian Express reported.

According to the report, it has been alleged that the insurgent groups have been providing the “marksmen and weapons for rhino poaching in exchange for a cut from the proceeds of illegal sale of rhino horns”.

Home ministry officials recently discussed this with the Assam police department.

Rhino horn trade is banned internationally. The horn of an Indian rhino weighs 0.4-3 kg and can fetch up to USD 20,000 per kg, Express reported. 

“Information has been received that insurgent groups, including those based in Manipur and Nagaland, are supplying arms and shooters for poaching and they have been receiving a portion of the sale amount… They are also providing help to facilitate transportation and sale of rhino horns,” the newspaper said, quoting a source. 

At a recent conference in New Delhi, kidnapping and extortion, rhino poaching, narco-trafficking, timber and liquor smuggling, arms smuggling and training facilities and tax collection were identified as key sources of revenue for terror groups.

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