New Delhi: The Defence Ministry has written to the Central Board of Film Certification, urging that production houses be advised to obtain a “no objection certificate” from the ministry before telecasting any film, documentary or web series on an Army theme, sources said.
The Defence Ministry had received some complaints raising strong objections about the portrayal of Indian Army personnel and the military uniform in an “insulting manner,” they said.
The sources said that in web series streamed recently, the scenes related to the Army are far from reality and present a distorted image of the armed forces.
PTI sources added that the communication has also been sent to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology for consideration.
The communication to Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has been done to curtail the incidents which distort the image of defence forces and hurt the sentiments of defence personnel and veterans, they said.
In the letter to the CBFC, the ministry said that it has been brought to its notice that some production houses making films on Army theme, are using contents which are distorting the image of the Indian Army, according to sources.