New Delhi: The Delhi police has withdrawn or downgraded the security of several of its former officers, retired judges and other officials following an audit that was conducted on the directions of commissioner Rakesh Asthana. The decision, as per an Indian Express report, was taken after the Supreme Court directed an assessment of officers posted with security units.
The report, citing sources in the Delhi police, said the apex court directed the assessment as it wanted the police to provide security cover to its own judges as also those of the high court following the killing of Dhanbad additional sessions judge Uttam Anand under suspicious circumstances.
Subsequently, an audit was undertaken by the police which revealed that 535 officers were deployed with former commissioners, politicians, retired officers and judges with regard to whom there was no threat perception. The police then reviewed the security of these persons and either withdrew or reduced the number of officers deployed with them.
The personnel thus freed from such security duties would be re-deployed for law and order or policing tasks. There have been several developments in Delhi that have necessitated a redrawing of priorities as far as the deployment of security personnel is concerned.
Following a shootout in a Delhi court last week, the Delhi high court had called for improving the safety of and security at district courts. The requirement of officers at the borders and around sensitive buildings and installations has also increased in view of the ongoing farmers’ agitation, which though largely peaceful, had witnessed violence on Republic Day.
According to the report, the audit had revealed that more than the sanctioned number of officers were deployed in personal security duties. Against a sanctioned strength of 5,465 officers with the security units, 6,828 had been deployed.
A source, cited by the Indian Express, was also quoted as saying that many of these officers were deployed with former police commissioners, retired judges and retired police officers who were not really at great risk. It was also stated that in some cases, retired commissioners had around 15 officers deployed with them. Also, many of the officers were attached to these officers and judges when they were in active service.
Though an audit for assessing the threat perception of the protectees is mandated every six months as per the Ministry of Home Affairs guidelines, it was also revealed that the Delhi police had not carried out any such exercise in more than two years. The report also said that the officers whose security has been downgraded include those of the Special Cell, which deals with a large number of anti-terror cases.
The Wire has asked the Delhi police spokesperson Chinmoy Biswal for the details of the officers and judges whose security has been withdrawn or downgraded and the story will be updated as a when a response is received. Meanwhile, another spokesperson of the Delhi police said they have not received any official confirmation regarding the security audit.