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For Srinagar's Voters, Yearning for Stability Trumps Most Other Election Concerns

The forthcoming assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir are being keenly monitored by multiple stakeholders. People from the region consider the elections to be crucial in shaping the future of governance and economic progress in the region.
An apple trader at a fruit market in Shopian district in Kashmir. Photo: Rouf Fida.
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With the upcoming Assembly elections in Jammu & Kashmir, all attention is directed towards Srinagar, the summer capital of the Union Territory. The elections are a pivotal time for the area, following a period of substantial political transformation and restructuring.

The forthcoming assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir are being keenly monitored by multiple stakeholders, including traders, ordinary citizens, and fruit cultivators. These groups convey a combination of expectation and apprehension, emphasising the necessity for a political environment that caters to their economic concerns, security matters, and governance obstacles.

Their viewpoints mirror the intricate socio-political dynamics of the area. The dreams and expectations of Srinagar’s different groups will have a significant impact on defining the region’s future as the political process progresses. The elections provide a chance for the recently elected officials to tackle these requirements and strive towards a more prosperous and stable Jammu and Kashmir.

This article explores the perspectives of many groups of Srinagar’s population, including traders, common people, and fruit growers, regarding the impending elections and their aspirations for the electoral process.

The political context

The upcoming Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir are taking place in the context of the reorganisation of the former state into two Union Territories in 2019. The political landscape underwent a major transformation with the reading down of Article 370.

Srinagar, being the most populous city in the Kashmir Valley, serves as a central location in these elections, symbolising the difficulties and possibilities that the region encounters. The assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir are of great significance, particularly following a period of political turmoil and shifting government frameworks.

The reading down of Article 370 in 2019 has resulted in a renewed emphasis on the establishment of a stable political framework that resonates with the aspirations and concerns of local populations.

Traders: Navigating Economic Uncertainty

For the traders of Srinagar, the elections are seen as a critical juncture that has the potential to either mitigate or exacerbate their economic difficulties. The business community, including of shopkeepers, merchants, and service providers, has been facing periodic disruptions as a result of political instability and security issues.

Many traders are optimistic that the elections will bring in a stable government capable of prioritising the revitalisation of the economy.

One of our respondent, a local merchant, emphasises the necessity of a government that comprehends the distinctive complexities of our economic environment.

He said, “Our businesses have seen a lot of setbacks not because of the unrest and restrictions but because of the lack of proper planning and infrastructure. A stable administration can bring in a better infrastructure, greater economic prospects, which is crucial for our well-being”.

Traders are specifically worried about the condition of infrastructure. Business activities have been impeded by substandard road conditions, frequent power outages, and insufficient market facilities. Traders hope that the new assembly will give priority to infrastructure development in order to establish a more favourable environment for commerce.

Traders in Srinagar perceive the campaigning by candidates in upcoming elections as an important opportunity to express their economic apprehensions. The local trading community is actively communicating with political candidates to ascertain their stances on economic development, trade-friendly policies, and initiatives to bolster consumer confidence and increase foot traffic in marketplaces.

One of the respondents said, “we want government to make policies that will promote a favourable economic environment, alleviate regulatory obstacles, and enhance infrastructure”.

Better Tax Regulations

Traders also have a strong desire for the implementation of beneficial tax legislation. A significant number of merchants support the idea of decreasing taxes, streamlining filing procedures, and minimising compliance obligations.

One of the traders from the Srinagar city said, “implementing such measures might reduce financial burden and empower individuals to reinvest in small businesses, thereby fostering local economic growth”.

Common Masses: Striving for stability and Progress

The inhabitants of Srinagar have a wide array of expectations regarding the next elections. The general populace seeks stability, enhanced governance, and improved public services.

The primary focus for the common man is stability and security. A local citizen, expressing the need for a government that can effectively establish stability said, “Stability is not only absence of violence but absence of insecurities also. We anticipate that the incoming administration will prioritise the enhancement of safety measures and the improvement of overall quality of life”.

Public services, including healthcare, education, and sanitation, are of utmost importance. The voter expects that the elected representatives would prioritise enhancing public services and resolving longstanding issues.

The younger generation exhibits a notable enthusiasm for change. A significant number of youth are actively seeking opportunities and striving for empowerment.

A university student, while responding to our question about his expectations from the elections said, “I desire for enhanced educational and employment prospects, people who are chosen to represent us should keep youth in mind”.

Even though a large section of people demonstrate a strong enthusiasm for the assembly elections, driven by the aspiration for enhanced governance and the cessation of chronic unrest, there are many citizens who do not think that these elections would get in something new.

A respondent reply to a question said, “at the end these people (elected representatives) forget the common man. We have seen what happened and I am sure we won’t see a change

There is a prevailing feeling of disappointment, which arises from previous instances of political leaders not keeping their pledges. Historically, voter participation in previous elections has been quite low. However, this time, a significant number of residents are anticipating transparent electoral procedures that accurately represent their preferences.

Fruit growers: Harvesting Hope for Agricultural Growth

The fruit producers of valley, who make a substantial contribution to the local economy, have their own distinct concerns and ambitions around the elections.

Fruit growers are seeking enhanced government assistance in the form of subsidies, more favourable pricing, and improved market entry. “The success of our crops is crucial for our livelihoods,” says an orchardist.

“We want agricultural policies that support the horticulture sector, like improved irrigation infrastructure and equitable pricing for our agricultural output.”

Market access and export is a major concern for fruit growers. They are seeking policies that would streamline access to both domestic and foreign markets.

“We cultivate fruits of superior quality, however, encountering difficulties in reaching expansive markets is often challenging,” the orchardist remarks. “We anticipate that the new government will prioritise enhancing our export prospects.”

As climate change affects the amount of crops that can be grown, fruit growers are advocating for measures to encourage sustainable farming methods and tackle environmental issues. They emphasise the necessity of assistance in implementing innovative technology and methods to effectively manage the impact of shifting weather patterns.

Fruit growers, especially those engaged in the apple industry, are constantly monitoring the political developments. They highlight the importance of implementing policies that provide assistance to agriculture, such as subsidies, enhanced market access, and optimised supply chain logistics. In addition, fruit farmers are asking for representation that comprehends their distinctive issues and endeavours towards the sustainable growth of agriculture in Kashmir.

A shared desire for peace and stability

The people from Kashmir all have a shared desire for peace and stability in the region. They are optimistic that the elections could lead to a political environment that gives priority to local concerns and promotes economic growth.

Strengthened collaboration between government and local population is considered crucial for developing a robust economy that flourishes in an intricate socio-political environment.

The people in Srinagar consider the assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir to be crucial in shaping the future of governance and economic progress in the region.

Deepanshu Mohan is a Professor of Economics, Dean, IDEAS, and Director, Centre for New Economics Studies (CNES). He is a Visiting Professor at London School of Economics and an Academic Visiting Fellow to AMES, University of Oxford.

Najan Us Saqib is a Phd scholar at Central University of Kashmir. He is a Senior Research Analyst with Centre for New Economics Studies (CNES), OP Jindal Global University.

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