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Watch | If Buses Run on March 12, We Will 'Stop Them Tooth and Nail': Kuki Spokesperson

Ginza Vualzong also says that he believes the “government realises it was a mistake to introduce free movement”.
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The spokesperson of both the Kuki-Zo Council and the Indigenous Tribal Leaders Forum has said that if the Manipur administration attempts to ply buses tomorrow, March 12, as per the earlier announced schedule, we will “stop them tooth and nail”. However Ginza Vualzong also says that he believes the “government realises it was a mistake to introduce free movement” and, therefore, there is a good chance there will be none tomorrow i.e., Wednesday.

In a 25-minute interview to The Wire, Vualzong said the home minister made “a terrible mistake” attempting to force peace upon unwilling parties and adamantly going ahead with the free movement even though the Kuki-Zo community had come out against it very strongly.

Speaking about talks with the central government regarding the bigger political demand of the Kuki-Zo community for a separate administration, Vualzong said “no progress” has been made. He said the government is “not serious” and this is “very frustrating”

Vualzong said the violence, death and injuries on March 8 was a reflection of this frustration.

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