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Watch | 'One Nation One Election Violates Basic Structure of Constitution; I’ll Go to Supreme Court'

Jagdeep Chhokar said the concept will make India’s democracy less participative and less vibrant.
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One of the founding members of the Association for Democratic Reforms, has said that he has no doubt that one nation one election will breach the federal structure of the Indian constitution and, therefore, on that basis, it will violate the basic structure of the constitution.

Professor Jagdeep Chhokar adds that he will personally raise the issue with the Supreme Court and he is confident he will win the case.

In an interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire, Chhokar, a former professor and dean at the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad, said he not only disagrees with Prime Minister Modi’s claim that one nation one policy will make India’s democracy “more vibrant and participative” but, he added, the opposite is the truth. It will make India’s democracy less participative and less vibrant.

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