New Delhi: Delhi police commissioner Rakesh Asthana on Thursday said a formal request has been sent to Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal to withdraw 17 cases registered in connection with the Republic Day violence last year.
It’s been over two months since the Union government agreed to withdraw the cases filed against farmers who were protesting for over a year at the bordering areas of Delhi and other protest sites.
As India celebrated its 72nd Republic Day on January 26, 2021, thousands of protesters entered Delhi on their tractors and wreaked havoc on roads, clashed with police. A religious flag was hoisted on the ramparts of the iconic Red Fort.
Also read: Republic Day Violence: A Tale of Two Conspiracies
Addressing the annual Delhi police meet, commissioner Rakesh Asthana, while responding to a question about the status of cases lodged in connection with the violence, said that a request has been sent by the force to the LG to withdraw 17 cases registered after January 26, 2021.
“We have sent a request for withdrawal of a few cases. Investigation is pending in other cases because many people have not been identified. We are trying to file chargesheets in the cases. In cases where chargesheets have been filed, we are hoping for a speedy trial and judiciary proceedings,” he said.
According to Delhi police officials, around 160 people were arrested in connection with the violence that unfolded last year, of which 20 were held for the violence at the Red Fort. In addition, 54 cases were registered, of which, 16 are with the crime branch.
In May last year, the Delhi police had filed a 3,224-page first chargesheet against actor-activist Deep Sindhu and 15 others. Sidhu died in an accident on February 15 this year.
“The crime branch, which was tasked with the probe of the Republic Day violence, had also filed a supplementary chargesheet against Sidhu and others on June 17 last year,” they said.
Asked about the status of the toolkit case against climate activist Disha Ravi, Asthana told media the probe is pending.
“We have sent multiple requests to social media platforms Zoom, WhatsApp, Google and Instagram to get details about the suspected people. We are also investigating the money trail involved in the farmers’ protest,” he said.