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The Gods Pour Benediction Over the Grand New Parliament Building

How else but through leaks may we see beyond the fallen world of anti-Hindutva secularists?
Representative image of the new parliament building. Photo: Wikimedia commons/Narendra Modi
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You may have heard how the first rains of Sawan (Monsoon season) seeped gently through the elegant roof of the new parliament building, requiring buckets to be placed on the slippery floor.

As you would expect, the secular cabal is shouting corruption in the design, procurement and construction of the building. Now, had governance of the day belonged to the chronically anti-Modi opposition, there might have been truth in the accusations. Who doesn’t know that those who oppose Hindutva are endemically depraved.

But this cabal does not realise that Bharat is led not by an ordinary, run-of-the-mill, naturally born steward, but by one whose birth was self-confessedly non-biological. And there can be no greater proof of that immaculate fact than this seeping of rain into the monumental House, built only some months ago, at a cost of some Rs 793 crores, all from the poor tax-payers’ torn pocket.

Why do we say so?

Because whoever is tuned into Indian spirituality will tell you that when it pours on any important occasion, the occurrence denotes the bestowal of auspicious heavenly  benediction.

This happy tidings from the gods could not have descended on India’s parliament if some non-divine fellow was our helmsman.

Thus, corrupt are those, who fail to imbibe these lessons of divinity, and instead of prostrating to the real prophet of the day, chase false prophets of all sorts who cry foul in pursuit of a healthy, non-mendacious paradigm of governance.

Even more tellingly, how many of us failed to mark the extraordinary event of the seeping of the benedictional waters through the  high dome of the new holy, the Ram temple at Ayodhya, also built very recently.

That was indeed the sign from Ram as to the gracious pleasure he felt at being installed by non-biological hands after centuries of lowly prayer and common piety.

The rains and their course of seepages are thus a text more convoluted than a novel by Franz Kafka; not just any odd sophomore knows how to unravel the true meanings of such pourings.

Remember the great hullabaloo that was raised at them about unstoppable paper leaks over the last seven years – about 70, we gather. Once again, an instance of the profound phenomenon of ‘leaks’ is foolishly misread by the anti-Modi cabal.

Leaks, be they of papers or of parliament and the temple, are expressions of a transcendent truth to which the secularists remain blind. Such leaks show the way to the nation out of mere brick and mortar corruptions, uninspired by adhyatma (non-materialistic knowledge); were there to be no leaks, we would never have a vision of swarglok (heaven).

After all, the Apostle John had a view of the city of god (The Bible, Book of Revelation) only because there was a leak in the firmament.

How else but through leaks may we see beyond the fallen world of anti-Hindutva secularists?

Badri Raina taught at Delhi University.

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