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'Large Part of Media Completely Compromised on Journalism's Core Values; I'm Disillusioned': Rajdeep Sardesai

Sardesai spoke about young independent small media house journalists who have been raided, their phones and laptops taken, often not returned, and harassed.
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Rajdeep Sardesai talks about the state of the media today and whether he is disillusioned with it. The well-known television anchor said “large sections of the media have completely compromised on the core values of the profession” adding “I’m disillusioned, disturbed”. At the end of the interview, Sardesai raised the issue again and this time specifically spoke about young independent small media house journalists who have been raided, their phones and laptops taken, often not returned, and harassed.

“I hope someone consistently speaks up for them because they are the ones who deserve all the support they can get.” He added “that leaves me disillusioned and at times feeling almost helpless.”

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