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More Than 300 Academics, Students Express Solidarity With Deepak Malghan Over ‘Harassment’ by IIM-B

Malghan, an award-winning scholar, was ‘demoted’ by IIM-B for his social media posts that were deemed critical and in violation of the premier institute’s service policy.
IIM Bangalore. Photo: iimb.ac.in
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New Delhi: More than 300 academics, students and other concerned citizens have condemned the alleged “vindictive harassment and persecution” of Dr Deepak Malghan by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B).

Malghan, an award-winning scholar, was ‘demoted’ by IIM-B for his social media posts that were deemed critical and in violation of the premier institute’s service policy. While the Karnataka high court has ordered a stay on the move, activists have urged IIM-B to withdraw all past sanctions against Malghan.

Malghan is an internationally recognised scholar and the winner of multiple prestigious academic awards. In 2015, he was awarded the Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao Award in Social Sciences, while in 2023, he was recognised by the T.N. Khoshoo Memorial Award. “Beyond ground-breaking scholarship transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries, Dr. Malghan is one of India’s most vocal and recognised public voices for institutional social diversity and inclusion,” the letter said.

“We strongly condemn the misuse of IIM (B) Service Rules to stifle academic freedom on campus. It is a great shame that a premier institute like IIM (B) is violating an internationally accepted set of rights to Academic Freedom,” the letter read, adding that recent “demotion” by IIMB is only the culmination of a series of persecutions that he has been subject to since 2018.

The letter lists several incidents of censure and backlash that Malghan has faced over the last six years. Most recently he, was demoted from associate professor to assistant professor in March 2024.

In June 2018, Malghan had urged the IIM-B student body to not invite Hindustan Unilever Limited for campus placements because of its failure to remedy the damage caused by mercury poisoning from its thermometer factory in Kodaikanal. The institute had subsequently issued censure orders against him with then IIM-B director G. Raghuram asking him to retract the statement made by him in a personal capacity.

Malghan in 2018 also co-authored a paper documenting acute social diversity deficit at IIMs. “Their paper showed that various IIMs [were] wilfully dodging constitutional and statutory mandates, directly precipitating social diversity deficits. They followed up their paper by publicly supporting a vigorous campaign led by enlightened alumni of these institutions. Part of the harassment Dr. Malghan has faced, is driven by a backlash from entrenched interests that have resisted his push for caste justice within IIMs and outside,” the letter said.

“In addition to the censure orders of 2018 and 2019, in 2022, another inquiry was set up against Dr Malghan based on multiple complaints regarding two tweets posted by him on his personal twitter account,” the letter said.

The inquiry committee set up to investigate Malghan’s conduct in 2022 did not find any violation of IIM-B’s service rules. It did not recommend any disciplinary action against him other than exercising discretion while posting on social media. However, the disciplinary committee disregarded the findings of its own inquiry committee and found Malghan in violation of Service Rules 8.3.1, 8.10 and 8.12 – while stating that it has not relied on past censures to arrive at its findings – and recommended withholding Malghan’s promotion for two years. This directive was challenged by Malghan in the Karnataka high court.

In 2023, another inquiry was set up against Malghan, initially based on a complaint by a board member regarding a single tweet posted by the professor. This was later expanded to a 100 tweets of which eight were identified as potentially violative of IIM-B Service Rules (as amended in 2023).

“As academics and other concerned people, we strongly condemn this silencing of the demands raised by Dr Malghan which are entirely devoted to upholding India’s constitutional values. We condemn the use of service rules to stifle academic freedom. We call upon IIM Bangalore to desist from its harassment of Dr Malghan and recognise his valuable contributions towards academic integrity,” the letter said.

The full letter and a list of the first few signatories is produced below.


Statement of Solidarity with Dr Deepak Malghan

Demand that IIM-Bangalore should end the harassment of Dr Malghan

Condemnation of the misuse of Service rules by Academic Institutions to erode Academic Freedom


We, the undersigned, condemn the long-running vindictive harassment and persecution of Dr. Deepak Malghan by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB). Most recently, in a politically motivated move, IIMB “demoted” Dr. Malghan. While the Karnataka High Court has ordered a stay on this outrageous and unprecedented action, we call upon IIM Bangalore to immediately withdraw all sanctions against Dr. Deepak Malghan.

We strongly condemn the misuse of IIM (B) Service Rules to stifle academic freedom on campus. It is a great shame that a premier institute like IIM (B) is violating an internationally accepted set of rights to Academic Freedom.

Dr. Deepak Malghan is an internationally recognized scholar and the winner of multiple prestigious academic awards. In 2015, he was awarded the Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao Award in Social Sciences, while in 2023, he was recognised by the T N Khoshoo Memorial Award. He is an affiliated researcher at Stockholm Environment Institute, and has served as an editor at Ecological Economics, the field’s flagship journal (2018–23).

Beyond ground-breaking scholarship transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries, Dr. Malghan is one of India’s most vocal and recognized public voices for institutional social diversity and inclusion. Dr. Malghan has also been a leading public voice from within, resisting the sectarian and communal onslaught on one of India’s finest public institutions.

The recent “demotion” by IIMB is only the culmination of a series of persecutions that he has been subject to since 2018, which are detailed below. They are clearly related to the issue of academic freedom.


Some of the Campaigns by Dr. Deepak Malghan, followed by censure orders from IIM(B).

  1. Campaign for Corporate Accountability

In June 2018, he sent an email to all students dissuading them from inviting Hindustan Unilever Limited for placements because of its failure to remedy the damage caused by mercury poisoning from its thermometer factory in Kodaikanal. 

Censure orders against him were issued on 17th October 2018. See links here and here.

  1. Campaign for Diversity at Higher Educational Institutions

In 2018, along with his long-time co-author, Dr. Siddharth Joshi, Dr Malghan authored an influential paper documenting acute social diversity deficit at IIMs. Their paper showed that various IIMs’ wilfully dodging constitutional and statutory mandates directly precipitated social diversity deficits. They followed up their paper by publicly supporting a vigorous campaign led by enlightened alumni of these institutions. Part of the harassment Dr. Malghan has faced is driven by a backlash from entrenched interests that have resisted his push for caste justice within IIMs and outside. Dr. Malghan has also written and campaigned on other issues affecting diversity in higher education:




Letter to IIMB Director to ensure safe space for students from historically marginalized communities: https://www.edexlive.com/news/2024/Jan/18/need-for-safe-space-for-bahujan-students-staff-iim-bangalore-professor-issues-open-letter-to-dir-39853.html

Against the exclusion of social sciences from National Overseas Scholarship, which disadvantages SC, ST and other marginalised students: https://thewire.in/government/centres-decision-to-axe-humanities-social-sciences-from-national-overseas-scholarship-is-dangerous

Censure Order issued on 20th January 2019, over an interview given to Scroll.in where he criticised IIMs over lack of diversity in the faculty body and other governance-related issues. The censure order imposed a ban on his research funding and consultancy activities.

  1. Campaign to Defund Hate

During his time at IIMB, Dr. Malghan has also been at the forefront of resisting toxic communal ideologies, and calling upon corporates not to fund hate

Disciplinary Action against Dr Malghan

In addition to the censure orders of 2018 and 2019, in 2022, another inquiry was set up against Dr Malghan based on multiple complaints regarding two tweets posted by him on his personal twitter account. The Standing Disciplinary Committee of IIM (B) while referring these complaints to an inquiry committee widened the scope to include articles published by Prof Deepak Malghan on the question of the lack of diversity in higher educational institutions.

The enquiry was instituted to probe potential violations under IIMB Service Rules 8.3.1, 8.10 and 8.12, which read as follows:-

8.3.1 Every employee shall at all times:       

  •  Maintain absolute administrative and academic integrity;             
  •  Be devoted to duty;
  •  Maintain decorum and do nothing which is unbecoming of an employee of the Institute;                     
  •  Be courteous in his/her dealings with other members of the staff, students, and members of the public; and          
  •  Shall conduct himself/herself in a manner which will uphold the reputation of the Institution.                       


  • 8.10 Interaction on Social Media – When engaging in any social media activity during one’s tenure at IIMB, employees are expected to treat others with respect, professionalism, courtesy and consideration in all forms of communication. Refrain from any activity which may tarnish the goodwill and reputation of IIMB. Employees holding administrative positions cannot make statements in social media that undermine that position and/or IIMB’s stance on any particular issue. Any unbecoming conduct, act of uploading derogatory remarks, image ridiculing a person in eyes of other, activity against the Institute, any other person or organization will attract severe disciplinary action.

Social Media channels are public spaces and employees should not publish confidential information in the public domain. Where personal opinions are publicly expressed online, it must be clearly stated that these are employee’s own personal views and that they do not reflect those of IIMB.

  • 8.12 Criticism of the Institute: No employee, shall in any Radio/TV broadcast, Social Media, Electronic Media, Print media or in any document published anonymously, pseudonymously or in his/her own name or in the name of any other person, on any communication to the press, in any public utterance, make any statement of fact or opinion:   
    •  Which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the Institute; or   
    •  Which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the Institute and the Central Government, any State Government, any other Institute, Organisation, members of the public.

Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall apply to any statements made or views expressed by an employee in his/her official capacity or in the due performance of the duties assigned to him/her.”

The Inquiry Committee did not find any violation of any of the above service rules and except for asking Prof Malghan to exercise discretion in social media posts, did not recommend any disciplinary action.

In a surprise turn of events, the Disciplinary Committee decided to disregard the findings of its own Inquiry Committee and found Prof Deepak Malghan in violation of Service Rules 8.3.1, 8.10 and 8.12 (while stating that it has not relied on past censures to arrive at its findings). It recommended withholding promotion for 2 years. The Director accepting these recommendations, reduced the period of withholding of promotion to 1 year. This Order has been challenged by Prof Deepak Malghan before the Karnataka High Court in WP 13233 of 2023.

In 2023, another inquiry was set-up against Prof Deepak Malghan first based on the complaint by a Board Member regarding a single tweet posted by Prof Deepak Malghan. This tweet merely reproduced the response to an RTI query on whether there had been complaints about caste discrimination at IIM (B). The identity of the Board Member was not disclosed. Subsequently, the Director referred another 100 tweets to the Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committee went ahead and formed an Inquiry Committee. It identified eight tweets as potentially violative of IIMB Service Rules (as amended in 2023). This included the tweet against which an undisclosed member of the Board had complained against along with seven other tweets. The Inquiry Committee in its report stated that academic freedom is not absolute and found Prof Deepak Malghan guilty of IIMB Service Rules 8.3.1 and 8.8 (as amended in 2023 and detailed above).

With these findings, the Inquiry Committee recommended imposition of serious and major penalty including suspension without pay till the pendency of the disciplinary process. The Standing Disciplinary Committee accepted the findings and the recommendations of the Inquiry Committee and recommended demotion to Assistant Professor for five years. Acting on these recommendations, the Director passed an Order in March 2024 demoting Prof Malghan with immediate effect for five years and also prohibiting him from posting anything related to IIMB on social media or public forums. Consequently, basic pay reduction and withholding of annual increments has been implemented. This Order has been challenged by Prof Malghan before the Karnataka High Court, which has granted an injunction [WP 15915 of 2024].

As academics and other concerned people, we strongly condemn this silencing of the demands raised by Dr Malghan which are entirely devoted to upholding India’s constitutional values. We condemn the use of service rules to stifle academic freedom. We call upon IIM Bangalore to desist from its harassment of Dr Malghan and recognise his valuable contributions towards academic integrity.


Name Affilliation
Abdul Matin  Jadavpur University, Kolkata 
Abhijit Waghre Independent Researcher
Abhishek Singh  Student 
Abir Dasgupta  Journalist
Aditi Mehta IAS Retd 
Aditi Vasudevan ACT
Ajantha Subramanian City University of New York, Graduate Center
Ajay Skaria
Akansha singh Jamia Millia Islamia 
Akash Bhattacharya  Independent Academic 
Akshay Kishore  Student 
Akshay Raut Alumni
Aman Student
Amit Dande
Amit Ganguli Stanford alum
Amit Soni IIMB PGP 
Amod Shah International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Amol Agrawal
Amruth Puppala Alumni of OU
Anand DHAN Foundation 
Anand Patwardhan
Andaleeb Rahman  Cornell University 
Andy Swarna GT (Great Truth) non profit
Ania Loomba University of Pennsylvania
Anish Sugathan Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Anjani Kumar IIM alumni 
Ankit Kawade PhD student, Johns Hopkins University 
Ankur Sarin
Anoop M PhD Scholar, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 
Anubhav Krishna JK ACIC Kalasalingam innovation foundation 
Apurva NGO
Aradhana Sharma Wesleyan University
Areeb Rizvi University of Delhi
Arpita Phukan Biswas  IIT-Bombay
Arun Kumar Bairwa Indian Institute of Management Amritsar 
Aruna Rathnam Indian citizen
Aruna Rodrigues
Arunkumar Khobragade  Indian Institute of Management Kolkata 
Arvind Kumar Royal Holloway
Arvind Kumar  Faculty of Law, University of Victoria (Canada) 
Ashish kumar Jawaharlal Nehru University
Ashok Danavath Independent Researcher 
Ashok Khanna  Citizenship 
Avichal Warke  JNU
Avinash Kumar  JNU
Ayesha Kidwai Professor 
Ayushman India & Global Left
Azeem Ahmed  Delhi School of Economics 
Azeera  Chennai climate action group 
B. R. Yazhini  Student 
Bhoopendra Kumar  Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Bina Fernandez Professor in Development Studies at University of Melbourne 
Buddhi Prakash 
CJ Kuncheria 
C Lakshmanan  Dalit Intellectual Collective 
Chandan Gowda ISEC
Chandrashekhar Kulwe 
Chandru Chawla 
Chelvi Rodge Indian School of Business
Chinnaiah Jangam Carleton University 
Chockalingam  Gss
Christophe Jaffrelot CERI-SciencesPo/CNRS
Conan Mukherjee Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
D Dominic BU
Debashish Bhattacherjee  IIM Calcutta (retired)
Debjani Bhattacharyya Univ Zurich
Dechen Dolker Individual
Deepali Srivastava  The Council for Inclusive Capitalism 
Deepti Sharma IIM Ahmedabad 
Depinder Kapur Independent 
Devendra Jarwal Motilal. Nehru College, University of Delhi
Devesh Singh Public health practicener
Dhammachintak Neel IIM Ahmedabad 
Dhananjay Soindaji Govt of India 
Dr Anand Teltumbde Alumnus, IIM, Ahmedabad 
Dr Arvind Arahant  School of management & Entrepreneurship, Jawaharlal Nehru University 
Dr B Karthik Navayan  Advocate 
Dr Ish Kumar IPS (retd). CCG
Dr Poshan Guddeti Senior Consultant Neonatologist & Paediatrician 
Dr Siddhartha Priya  IIM Ahmedabad 
Dr. Ajay Kumar Koli Founder of SARA Institute of Data Science, Sonipat.
Dr. Amit Kumar Mandal Raiganj University 
Dr. Arun Kumar King’s College London
Dr. Gayatri Menon Independent scholar
Dr. Kiran Lata Co-founder & Director, SARA Institute of Data Science, Sonipat.
Dr. Mary Mathai
Dr. Pankaj Tambe PhD, IIT Bombay
Dr. Ravenwing Twitter
Dr. Sanjana Golia Jodhpur medical College 
Dr. Santoshkumar Phulpagar  IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Mumbai alumnus 
Dr. Sayantan Das Kannur University
Dr. Sudhir Vombatkere
Dr. Vishal Mehta Leafbird Consulting LLC
Dr. Vivekanand Mallick Madhusudan law university cuttack odisha, iit roorkee
E A S Sarma Forum for Better Visakha
Eknath Wagh  Student
Fahreen  Alamgir  Monash University 
Farrah Ahmed University of Melbourne 
Federico Demaria School of economics, University of Barcelona (Spain)
Frazer Mascarenhas Jesuit Higher Education
G Shravankumar  Psu employee 
G Sivaramakrishnan  Loka vidya Vedike Bengaluru
Gaurav bansal University of East Anglia 
George IIMA 
Gopinath A Indian Institute of Management Bangalore 
Goutham Raj Konda Independent researcher 
Greeshma Mohan Assistant Professor, Azim Premji University 
Guru  Institute for System Change 
Hammal  International institute of social studies 
Hari Bapuji University of Melbourne
Harsh Mander Karwan e Mohabbat
Hiranya Kallakuri
Ihab  Student-IIT Madras
J Devika Feminist Scholar, Kerala
Jadhav chakradhar  Centre for Economic and Social Studies Hyderabad 
Jenifer  Christ University 
Jinaraj P G
John Dayal  Writer
Jothsna Rajan IIT Kanpur 
K kalyani  Azim Premji university 
Kamal Gopinath Freelance journalist 
Kanika Meshram University of Melbourne 
Kanthan Karunai Civic Member
Kasturi Researcher, Indian Statistical Institute
Kaustubh Rau Azim Premji University
Kiran Kumar PhD Scholar
Kirankumar Vissa Rythu Swarajya Vedika
Kirti Singh  Law centre 1 – Delhi University 
Krishna Prasad Churumuri
Lalita Ashoka University
Lalita Ramdas Independent activist and citizen
Lawrence Surendra
Laxman Nakka Humanist
Leslie Dalit Human Rights Defender 
Lingaraj Dinni LVBL Accelerator 
Lotika Singha International Solidarity for Academic Freedom in India
M S sunil
Madhu Bhaduri
Madhusudhan Raman University of Delhi
Mahendra Kumar
Mahesh G AIC
Malathi University of Delhi 
Malini Ranganathan School of International Service, American University, Washington, DC
Maloth Ramkumar Pre-doctoral  student at IIMB
Manish Citizen of India 
Manish Thakur IIM Calcutta
Manish w Engineer
Manju Edachira  Madeleine Haas Russell Postdoctoral Fellow in Critical Caste Studies and Lecturer in South Asian Studies, Brandeis University 
Maya John  Delhi University 
Meena Dhanda University of Wolverhampton
Meena Gupta
Mohammad Sajjad Hussain Former Academic Associate CPP, IIM-B
Mohan Rao Former professor, JNU.
Mridula Garg University of California Irvine
Mritiunjoy Mohanty IIM Calcutta (retd) 
Mrudula  Alternative Law Forum
Mukesh Kabir Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Murali Krishna D 
N S Sanath Kumar  Retired
N SUKUMAR  University of Delhi 
Nandakumar Subramaniam  Master Mariner in the Merchant Navy
Nandini Manjrekar Professor, TISS Mumbai (retired)
Nandini Sundar Sociologist
Nandita Narain  St Stephen’s College (Retd), Delhi University 
Naresh kumar Doctor
Navakiran Dandu USA
Navdeep Mathur IIM Ahmedabad 
Neeshu Singh  Student 
Nidhin Joseph  Individual 
Nisha IIMK
Nisha Thapliyal  University of Newcastle 
Nityanand Jayaraman Vettiver Collective
Nivedita Menon  JNU, Delhi
P A Narayan 
P.R.Dasgupta Pensioner
Pankaj Anand  Alumni IIM Bangalore 
Pankaj Meshram 
Pankhuri A University of Bath
Pappu  Ramanujan college, University of Delhi 
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta Independent 
Pardeep Attri University of Bath, UK
Paresh Kamble OZ Sports 
Pethachi M Concerned citizen 
Prajval Shastri Astrophysicist
Prasanna Thirunavukkarasu  AIIMS Jodhpur 
Prashant Chavhan Alumni Tata Institute of Social Sciences 
Prashant Tambe  Nagpur University
Pratik Chandanshive  MCC
Pravin University of Hyderabad
Pritam Kumar Das RTMNU
Prithwiraj Mukherjee Ahmedabad University
Priya Chacko  University of Adelaide 
Priyanshu Gupta  IIM Lucknow 
Prof. Dr Joan Martinez-Alier ICTA Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Sumeet Mhaskar  O. P. Jindal Global University 
Professor Shakuntala Banaji  London School of Economics and Political Science 
Pushpak Besekar Mechanical Engineer at Black and Veatch 
R Ravishankar
Rahul United Nations University 
Rahul Mukherji South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
Rahul Pandey Visiting Faculty, IIM Lucknow 
Rahul Varman IIT Kanpur
Rajat Kumar Sonkar  University of Delhi 
Rajesh Ramakrishnan  Independent researcher 
Rajni Palriwala retd. from University of Delhi
Raju Kendre  Eklavya India Foundation 
Rama Krishna
Ramachandra Guha
Ramachandra Guha Historian and writer
Ramya Vijaya Stockton University, New Jersey
Ranjini Rao INC
Rao Renikuntla
Raphael Susewind Associate Professor, London School of Economics & Political Science
Ravi Sundaram CSDS Delhi
Raza Mir William Paterson University
RG Sudharson Asst. Professor at a private college in Chennai
Rishav Sharma Legal Practitioner 
Ritash Co-founder, RANG Foundation
Ritumbra manuvie University of Groningen 
Rohan Chalwadi IITD
Rohan D’souza  Kyoto university 
Rohit James Joseph  PhD Student, Ashoka University 
Romar Correa  Independent Researcher 
Ronak M Soni Chennai Mathematical Institute
Rosa Abraham  Azim Premji University 
Rosamma Thomas Freelancer
Roy Anto Independent Researcher 
Roy Manthena GBG
Sai Balaguru G Student
Sai Ram  Cognizant
Sandeep Mohan King’s India Institute
Santhi N S Freelance researcher
Santhi N S  Independent researcher 
Santosh Dominick A concerned citizen and corporate employer
Sapana Concerned Citizen
Saptarshi Paul  Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Sara Krea university
Satwinder Singh  Librarian 
Shafiullah Anis Monash University Malaysia 
Shaivi Kulshrestha  PhD scholar, IIM Bangalore 
Shalini Chennai Climate Action Group
Shamala Devi  Retired 
Sharad Lele ATREE
Shiva Shankar Independent
Shivraj Citizen
Shripad Sinnakaar Researcher
Shubham Concerned Citizen
Shubham Kumar National Institute of Technology Patna
Siddharth Joshi Independent Researcher
Siddharth Kumar Kadamb  A common society member
Sneha Roychoudhury  University of British Columbia 
Somnath Waghmare Begumpura Productions
Sonali Sathaye Independent Researcher 
Soumya Dutta Trustee – Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability And Mutuality MAUSAM
Sreejith Murali  PhD Scholar,  IIT Bombay 
Sridhar Raman Alumnus of IIMB
Sripad Motiram University of Massachusetts Boston
Sruti Bala University of Amsterdam 
Subodh Lal Constitutional Conduct Group
Suchitra Mathur IIT Kanpur
Sudhir Kunar JNU
Sujan Vijayaraj University of Gdansk
Sujatha Ramni
Sumit Mishra Krea University
Sumit Sute Alumnus of Indian Institute of Mechnology Madras
Sumithra IISc
Sunandan Azim Premji University, Bangalore 
Sunita Viswanath  Hindus for Human Rights 
Surinder S Jodhka Jawaharlal Nehru University
Susheel Kumar  Law Student 
Sushmita Friend and Colleague 
Suvir Kaul University of Pennsylvania
Suvrat Raju Professor, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Svati Shah University of Massachusetts 
Swapnil Khandekar Wipro Tech Limited
Swathi Seshadri Centre for Financial Accountability
Swetcha Poladi IIMB
Syed Ajmal Pasha  Researcher
Syed Sajjad Ahmed  Rtd.Joint Director Land Records/Principal S.S.T.I Mysuru and Gulbarga 
Tanika Chakraborty  IIM Calcutta 
Tanya Matthan London School of Economics
Tara Murali Individual 
Thomas Franco People First
Uttam  Visual Artist 
Vaibhav kharat 
Vamsi Vakulabharanam  Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts
Vedant Kottapalle Ashoka University
Venkat Maroju  Boston Study Group 
Venkatanathan Raghavachari Individual
Venkateswara  Rao Park Ridge, NJ
Vidya Subramanian JGU
Vidyadhar Atkore Researcher
Vinay B S St. Joseph’s University 
Vinoth Kumar R Social worker
Vishal Kawale  The University of Manchester 
Vishal V  University of Cambridge 
Vishnu Prasath Thulasiraman ICTS
Viswanath J MA – Sociology
Vivek Kumar  Indian Institute of Management Calcutta 
Vivek S Independent research scholar 
Vivek S Social activist 
Vivek Soundararajan  University of Bath
Yuvan Aves Author
Yuvraj Surwade  TISS Mumbai 



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