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KNO Leader: Kuki Groups May Have Breached Suspension of Operations; Separate Admin Can Wait 20 Yrs

Seilen Haokip says he does not know and simply cannot confirm whether they have breached the Agreement.
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The national spokesperson of the Kuki National Organisation, one of the important umbrella organisations that is a part of the SoO Group, has said that it’s possible that some Kuki insurgents may have breached the terms of the SoO Agreement.

Seilen Haokip says he does not know and simply cannot confirm whether they have breached the Agreement or they have not done so. Reports that Kuki insurgents have breached the SoO Agreement have appeared in national newspapers. On September 13, the Hindustan Times reported that three militants of the Kuki Liberation Army, an important constituent of the Kuki National Organization, were amongst those killed in the violence that occurred in Jiribam.

In the interview, Haokip also clearly states that his organisation, the KNO, is prepared to wait for 20 years if need be for a separate administration to be granted to the Kuki people.

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