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Nov 16, 2021

Watch | 'The Elephant in the Sea': The Indo-Pacific and China

A panel of experts discusses the emerging security architecture in the region to counterbalance China which is looking to assert its hegemony.
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In this episode of National Security Conversations, Dr. Happymon Jacob discusses the geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific with a panel of experts Professor C. Raja Mohan, director, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore; Dr. Rebecca Strating, executive director of La Trobe Asia and senior lecturer at La Trobe University; Dr. Jabin T. Jacob, associate professor at Shiv Nadar University; and Dr. Maaike Okano-Heijmans, senior research fellow, Clingendael Institute.

Jointly curated by the Council for Strategic and Defense Research (CSDR) and 9DASHLINE, the webinar focuses on the fast-paced developments in the region with the revival of the QUAD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) and the emergence of the AUKUS. The discussion dwells upon the emerging security architecture in the region to counterbalance China which is looking to assert its hegemony.

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