What can I write about Rashid bhai? Words fall short.
I met him for the first time at Khanqah-e-Niaziya in Bareilly Sharif because I am associated with the Silsila-e-niaziya – a Sufi order established by Shah Niaz Ahmad – like many other artistes.
I was fortunate that the Kolkata tabla maestro Ustad Sabir Khan Sahab asked me, in 1997, to perform with Rashid bhai at Sunny Tower in Kolkata. April 23 and 24, 1997, was the first time I performed with Rashid bhai.
This is a privilege I have had till September 3, 2023. I have offered accompaniment to the vocals of Ustad Rashid Khan sahab in countless concerts spanning the last 26 years.
Rashid bhai always loved and respected me like a younger brother. In fact, I have always been like a member of his family. Love and respect for Rashid bhai will always remain in my heart.
People like Rashid bhai, a distinguished artist and exceptional human being with an unmatched personality, are rare.
Allah had not only blessed him with spiritual and musical beauty but also a calm heart and cheerful countenance. I always found him helping others.
Rashid Bhai’s demise has brought sorrow not only to Hindustan but to artists all around the world. No one can replace him.
“For a thousand years the daffodil weeps for an eye to behold it,
Only once in an epoch is born a person who sees its beauty.”
I pray that Allah gives him the highest place in heaven, and gives courage to his family members in this difficult time.
Murad Ali Khan is a sarangi player and comes from a family of celebrated musicians. He is the grandson of Siddiqi Ahmed Khan and the son of Ghulam Sabir Khan.
Translated from the Hindi original by Naushin Rehman.