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'100-Year Resolution for Harmony': A Village’s Stand Against Divisive Politics in Maharashtra

According to the villagers, this step was necessary to safeguard future generations, especially in a time when social media is shaping young minds.
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In the village of Sondeghar, Dapoli, Maharashtra, where people of all castes and religions live together, the community has united to pass a remarkable 100-year resolution promoting harmony and rejecting divisive politics. This initiative was driven by the need to counter rising tensions, such as the loudspeaker controversy surrounding Azaan. Inspired by the Mahatma Gandhi Tantamukti Committee, the villagers vowed to maintain interfaith unity and resolve conflicts within the community without resorting to courts.

According to the villagers, this step was necessary to safeguard future generations, especially in a time when social media is shaping young minds. By passing this resolution, they aim to ensure that mutual respect, peace, and the spirit of togetherness continue to thrive. The people of Sondeghar have demonstrated how a community can stand strong against external pressures, celebrate each other’s festivals, and preserve harmony for the next century.

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