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Central Hall | 'Gaza War Will Continue, East Jerusalem Main Target': Experts

In this episode of Central Hall, three experts convene to discuss the Gaza war, Hamas, the Israeli right-wing's primary objective and the role played by the USA in the ongoing conflict.
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In this episode of Central Hall, three experts convene to discuss the Gaza war, Hamas, the Israeli right-wing’s primary objective and the role played by the USA in the ongoing conflict.

They emphasise that the war will persist, as East Jerusalem remains the main target for Israelis seeking to reoccupy and establish a unified nation.

Notably, the experts highlight the growing global opposition to the conflict, particularly among young students, including Jewish students in American universities, who are speaking out against the atrocities committed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government against the people living in Gaza.

October 7 marks the one-year anniversary of Hamas’s attack on Israel. As per the latest estimate, Palestinian health authorities suggest that Israel’s subsequent ground and air operations in Gaza have killed over 40,000 people, predominantly civilians, and approximately 2.3 million people are displaced from their homes, Reuters reported.

Saeed Naqvi is a well-known Indian journalist and TV commentator. He has interviewed many famous world leaders, including Nelson Mandela, Fidel Castro, Benazir Bhutto, Mikhail Gorbachev and Benjamin Netanyahu.

Dr. Waiel Awwad, a Syrian-born journalist, based in South Asia. He has covered numerous wars and was captured in an ambush during the American invasion of Iraq in 2003.

John Cherian is a renowned expert in international relations, geopolitics, and strategic affairs, with a specialised focus on the complex dynamics of South Asia.

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