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Watch | Is India Selling Weapons to Israel Morally Repugnant or Morally Justified?

Talmiz Ahmad, former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (twice), Oman and the UAE, tells Karan Thapar in an interview that it makes no sense that India should align itself with Israel on an issue where Israel has been accused of genocide.
Karan Thapar with former ambassador Talmiz Ahmad.

Should India be selling weapons to Israel when we know they will be used to kill Palestinian civilians and at a time when much of the world has excoriated Israel’s Gaza campaign and it’s even been accused of genocide? That’s the key issue addressed by one of India’s foremost experts on the Middle East, Talmiz Ahmad, former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (twice), Oman and the UAE.

Ahmad calls it “one of the most shocking developments” and “a travesty”. He says it makes no sense that India should align itself with Israel on an issue where Israel has been accused of genocide by the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and large swathes of Western public opinion as well as public opinion in most Global South countries.

In the interview reasons why India considers it justified to sell arms to Israel are put to Ahmad. He answers each of them meticulously and individually. I believe you should see the interview to hear the discussion and find out his answers for yourself. The interview also covers the impact of this decision to sell arms on major Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE, on Arab public opinion, on major Western countries and on India’s relationship with the USA.

Finally, the interview asks if there is a moral issue when a democracy with 200 million Muslim citizens – the third largest Muslim population in the world – sells weapons to Israel knowing they will be used to kill Palestinian Muslims. Again, I will leave you to hear the interview to find out Ahmad’s answer.

To help you, I give below the list of questions put to Mr. Ahmad. In the interview, they are followed almost exactly in the order listed.

Here they are:

1. Should India be selling arms to Israel when we know they’ll be used to kill Palestinians and at a time when much of the world has excoriated Israel’s Gaza campaign and its even been accused of genocide?

2. Let me put to you two reasons why selling arms to Israel not only makes sense but you could argue it’s almost a moral requirement. First Israel provided arms to India in 1962, 1965, 1971 and 1999. Israel is also said to be closely advising India in Kashmir. If they can help us out in our time of need aren’t we required to reciprocate in their hour of need?

3. Secondly the drones and artillery shells India’s supplying are made by a joint venture based in Hyderabad between an Israeli company Elbit Systems and the Adani Group. So if the technology is Israeli and the company is partly Israeli how can we stop it from selling its arms to Israel?

4. This news has been confirmed by a former Israeli Ambassador to the Israeli outlet Ynetnews.com but there’s neither a denial nor confirmation from South Block. How do you explain that?

5. What impact will this have on India’s relations with the Arab world and in particular Saudi Arabia and UAE? Could it damage the relationship or given that UAE has diplomatic relations with Israel and not so long ago the Saudis were said to be on the brink of similar ties is that unlikely?

6. What impact will this have on Arab public opinion? Upto 9 million Indians work in West Asia. Could this have worrying repercussions for them? And their remittances are a critical contribution to the Indian economy.

7. I’m told in 1974, when India was said to be supplying weapons to Israel, the Saudis imposed an 8-day oil embargo. Fifty years later, when Saudi Arabia’s attitude to Israel is very different and when its support for the Palestinians is lukewarm, is there a danger of a similar response or is that highly unlikely?

8. Even if the Arab countries are accepting of the Indian decision to supply arms to Israel what about Iran? It’s an implacable foe of Israel. Can Tehran accept this without any impact on the relationship with India?

9. How will this news be received in the West? We’re supplying weapons at a time Netanyahu has accused USA of deliberately slowing down weapon supplies and at a time when in May Spain refused permission for a ship that sailed from Chennai carrying weapons for Israel to dock in Cartagena. So how will this go down in the West?

10. This development will clearly please the Biden Administration. Could it help ease some of the tension the murder-for-hire Pannun allegations have introduced into the relationship both at the level of the White House and Congress?

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