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Feb 06, 2021

Watch | Know The History of Farmer Movements in India

The images that we usually see of farmers are them planting paddy, harvesting or spraying pesticides. But often, farmers have also raised their voices to demand their rights, says Mukul Singh Chauhan.
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The country’s farmers are sitting at the border of Delhi in protest against the recently passed agricultural laws, hoping that their voice will reach the people sitting in parliament.

The images that we usually see of farmers are them planting paddy, harvesting or spraying pesticides. But often, farmers have also raised their voices to demand their rights.

Before Independence, Mahatma Gandhi’s movement in India started with the problems of Neelha farmers of Champaran and Kheda farmers of Gujarat. In a way, Gandhi’s debut in India’s freedom struggle was also due to the Neelha movement of Champaran in Bihar. Even after the Independence, farmers have protested several times. Watch the video to know more.

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