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Mainstream Indian Film Industry Has Nothing to Do With This Glory: Resul Pookutty on Kapadia’s Cannes Win

"...they only looked at us as outcasts," Oscar-award winning sound designer Pookutty added.
Resul Pookutty (L) and Payal Kapadia. Photo: Wikipedia and Facebook/Resul Pookutty

New Delhi: In a social media post, Oscar-award winning sound designer Resul Pookutty on Sunday, May 26 underlined that “the mainstream Indian film Industry has nothing to do with this glory” referring to Payal Kapadia’s All We Imagine as Light winning the Grand Prix in the competition category at the Cannes film festival this year. He also noted that the “viewpoints” of students of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) where Kapadia had studied were viewed as “anti-establishment” by every government.

Pookutty said, “It would be interesting to pause for a moment and think, has (the) Indian Film Industry anything to do with this win?! None! who all are been taken to Cannes by Govt.Of India as delegation every year?! The usual suspects and familiar faces from mainstream Industry.”

Further, the renowned sound designed highlighted what makes Kapadia’s win “so important” and how studying in FTII or SRFTII is different from studying in an Indian Institute of Management (IIM) or Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) or All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). “What makes Payal’s win so important?! Not just that she is from FTII, that dhe (she) is from a group of people/ students enthusiasts who are regular people who come from varied corners of India and signed themselves to be strugglers for the rest of their lives. When you study at an IIM, IIT or AIMS, You become managers of MNCs, Engineers and Doctors. But when you sign up to study at #FTII or SRFTII you become a struggler. A struggling director, a writer, a cameraperson, an editor or a sound man. How on earth any parent want their children to be strugglers and let them sign up for something like that. It is because of their belief that my child is special, it is their belief that my child will grow up and showcase the world around them differently, through an eye and a viewpoint that can be inspiring or transforming. This thought to someone can be codified or un codified… but that’s the truth.”

Noting that “every” government viewed the students of FTII as “anti-establishment” and questions are raised on “why a state should fund a film institute,” Pookutty said, “That sleepy institute with long hanging roots of the trees and the black road that winds up like a snake from the main gate to the main theatre is where history of Indian Cinema sleeps and many many generations have drawn inspiration from. Every student who studied there has always nurtured a point of view which every government looked at it as antiestablishment. There have been a lot of discussions why a state would fund a film institute.”

“I can say this with conviction that this is the only public Institution and to some extend #NSD where 98% of the students once they pass out stay here in India and work whereas rest of all the Institute I mentioned go away for better pastures abroad. So we been creating brilliant minds to brain drain from India except #FTII and SRFTII and two or three other regional Film Institutes,” he added while justifying why such institutes should be funded by the government.

Pookutty urged “whoever or whatever or whichever dispensation are at the helm of affairs” to “not destroy that atmosphere which took generations to nurture”. “While you celebrate #PayaKapadia and her team’s win at the Cannes, give it a moment of thought, the mainstream Indian film industry has nothing to do with this glory they only looked at us as outcasts. The only reason they won is also not because we had inspiring teachers, there were some but not all. The only reason for this national glory is all the inspiring films we saw at FTII and the atmosphere of that place nurtured by all the brilliant artists from all across the globe visited there and left their energies… My only request is whoever or whatever or whichever dispensation are at the helm of affairs, do not destroy that atmosphere which took generations to nurture.”

He added: “There are many more Payals and Chidanands, Sathosh Sivans and Shaji Karuns are going to come out. Inspire them, let them show us a mirror that reflect us as a true society where original, logical and scientific temperament is celebrated. Let us create Sovereign minds, that will be a true celebration of cinema and life. #JaiHo my pals: Payal and Chidananad and the likes to follow them.”

Notably, Kapadia was criticised by right wing elements and asked to “go back to Pakistan” for participating in a 139-day protest against the appointment of actor Gajendra Chauhan as FTII’s chairperson in 2015. She is reportedly among 35 former students of the institute who continue to fight a case filed by the then institute’s director, Prashant Pathrabe for allegedly being involved in gheraoing him and vandalising his office that year. Commenting on the ironical situation, Pookutty said, “Payal (Accused No.25) comes back from Cannes and next month goes for her court case hearing that FTII lodged against her for striking against the appointment of Mr. Chouhan (Chauhan) as the chairman! Interesting isn’t it?!”

In its official X handle, FTII has congratulated Kapadia and called her win “a moment of pride”.


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